Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I walked into this class thinking that I already knew everything needed to get by, but I was definately wrong. Ms. Belisle has taught us so much. Some advice I have for the fall student is to make sure you do all the assignments ahead of time, so if you run into any complications you'll have time to fix it. Every assignment counts, so dont miss points on easy homework assignments. Ms. Belisle is very helpful, so dont hesitate going in for help. The m/c question are sometimes very confusing and tricky so dont worry if you dont do well, there will be other points thatll bring it up. Most importantly, learn and have fun.

Monday, April 26, 2010


I really enjoyed seeing my peers websites. The results showed how much hard work they had put into it. I was also able to see the more creative side of many of them. Each of the websites defined the person almost perfectly! I really liked Erin, Morgan, and Lucy's websites. Their websites defined perfection. I really enjoyed the professionalism and the movie that Erin embedded into her website. Morgan's navbar was very clever, and her pages were perfect. The backgrounds really reflected her pages and flowed smoothly. I absolutely loved Lucy's website. The navbar was great. Her continous theme of colors really fit in with her personality; i really liked her album of pictures.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

my website!

Please visit my website at : www.cs.trinity.edu/~nmohamma . Making a website was a lot harder than I expected. There were so many little tasks that had to be done perfectly in order to get the ideal website! I downloaded Expression Web the day that it was introduced in class. I played around with it a few times so i could get a hold of things and the way they worked. I also used photoshop element 6. Unfortunately, my trial with edition 8 was finished so i had to downloade a lower edition. I reallly like my home page in addition to my photo gallery page. I made my homepage on photoshop and i put a my favorites collage. I got the background off of the source code of someones website! When I looked at the individuals code, it felt so good understanding a lot of the code. I really enjoyed making my backgrounds, most were made on photoshop. If i could change something i wouldve added a few more pages and maybe add more explainations on the pages. My biggest technical challenge would have been getting everything centered on different resolution pages and computer screens. On some computer everything was centered and perfected, but when i opened it on my friends computers to show them everything was off. There wasn't really much I could do though. Another technical challenge i had was dealing with the table. With tables inserted on pages it was hard to center and perfect the pages. My biggest design challenge was getting the background to all flow and match. I didnt want the background to draw attention from the content on the page! I'm going home this weekend and i cant wait to show my parents and my friends my website! I'll definately look into making another website in the future.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pictures that LIE!

I choose a picture of a zebra bending over eating grass as my original picture. I choose to manipulate the picture because I wanted to illustrate how unique the animal truely is. The orignal picture was taken from an individual photographer who takes pictures of these distinctive animals. Originally the zebra was eating some grass, so i decided to feather alot of the background out to make the zebra the "center of attention". I added humanly objects such as sunglasses and a spinning hat to validate my point. When adding these objects i had to use the magnetic lasso tool in addition to the quick selection tool. After move the objects over to the zebra i had to mess around with the opacity to make it blend in. In addition i had to adjust the colors, for the glasses i had to make them darker because the original picture had a slight glare on it. I also changed the hue and saturation for both items. Lastly, I added a text layer with a "unique" type of test to demonstrate my point better.

Zebras are known for their distinctive black and white stripes; each individual stripes come in different patterns unique to that individual. The unique stripes and behaviors of zebras make these among the animals most familiar to people. However, various anthropogenic factors have had a severe impact on these zebra populations, specifically hunting for skins and habitat destructions. These animals should not be pinpointed because of their uniqueness just for pleasure. I believe that this picture does not put a harmful vibe to the public because it isnt much of a controversial issue, it's more of my opinion. The reason I added those objects was to illuminate their uniqueness. The picture relates to the article i choose in several ways. The article states that the" retouching of photographs to produce images may be sophisticated or crude". In my case, I retouched this picture to paint a more clearer view of what I think about this distinct animal. The article states how easy it is to manipulate a picture from"the click of a button". The article also discusses the growing fact that pictures are constently being altered and this is taking away from the genuiness of the picture.I agree with the article. I feel that photographs should not be able to be doctored and publsihed in such an accesible way, the computer. There should be laws that inform the viewer that this photograph has be doctored--and state the reason why.

MALCOLM W., BROWNE. "Computer as Accessory to Photo Fakery." New York Times 24 July 1991: 6. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 11 Apr. 2010.

why worry about HTML?

Even though there are so many other easier ways to make/edit websites; html coding is an important skill to know and use. For example, let's say that something happened to your website and for some reason the pictures won't load, well by looking at the HTML code you will be able to see where the problem is and diagnose it right away! Another reason why knowing html coding is beneficial is if you come across someones website and you like a specific thing on it, you can copy the code and add it on your own website!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Powerpoint Extravaganza

I really enjoyed watching my classmates explain their potential careers in such a short period of time. I learned so many new things about each career field that I found very interesting. Once specific thing I noticed about the powerpoint presentations was that each person was able to let out their more creative side. One specific presentation that I really enjoyed was Lucy's. I remember being engaged in every aspect of it. She wasn't reading off the slides and was keeping the audience attentive by her choice of diction and pictures. The presentation was very well layed out. Another presentation that comes to mind that was very exciting and interesting was Morgan's. I really enjoyed the video of the Italian chef (who slipped a cuss word :P) and her vibrant color scheme and background. Her presentation skills were awesome!

nice job guys!