Saturday, February 13, 2010


CopyRIGHT. We see, hear, and breathe it everyday. It envelopes us in almost every activity we take part it each day. Of course there is so much more to the word COPYRIGHT than what we think. We had the pleasure of having Mr. Jason Hardin come speak to us of this word of importance. It blew my mind when he said that copyright dates back to the 1970s! And who would ever guess that a US copyrighted product is the author's lifespan + 70 additional years? So why is copyright such an enforced practice in today's society? It enables creativity and originality among individuals; it allows creators to create without being worried of someone else taking credibility of that work.
The most recent talk about copyrighting that been on headlines is music sharing/downloading. To our understanding, the artist creates/performs/sings their creation; later this creation becomes available to audiences, whether it be CD's or even mediums such as iTunes. But at the same time there are music sites where these songs can be purchased for FREE. So which do we choose? Of course it is easier and makes a lot more sense to choose the free, click-away available option, but is it really loyal to artist to do such a thing? I don't know about you guy, but when something is being offered to me for free in my convenience, why should i have to get in my car and drive all the way to Best Buy to purchase the same thing? It's of great disloyalty to the artist to do this. How are they supposed to make their money if everybody is file sharing/downloading the songs for free? Downloading music off the internet for free can put you at risk for a copyright violation. Be very careful because at some instance people are able to watch what you are doing, especially here at school!
Creative Commons License
CopyRIGHT ! by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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